Is Building a Shopify Store as Easy as It Sounds?

  • Adella Digital
  • June 12, 2024
  • 8 min read

Nowadays, it seems everyone has an online store – and it’s getting easier, faster, and simpler to create winning eCommerce sites. There are dozens of platforms out there helping amateurs build beautiful stores that can sell effectively.  Leading the pack is Shopify, which has become a go-to platform for e-commerce, powering over four million online […]

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5 Psychology-Driven Landing Page CRO Tips

  • Adella Digital
  • June 5, 2024
  • 8 min read

If you have any experience in marketing, you know that human psychology is a driving force behind winning strategies. This holds true for all sorts of campaigns, from building a successful landing page to tailoring online shopping experiences. A landing page should drive visitors toward a particular product or offering. Think of it as a […]

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